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40 Years of Vet Care in Greater Westchester

By May 12th, 2013No Comments

This year marks forty years that Croton Animal Hospital has been providing veterinary care to the community. When Dr. Michael Henes opened the hospital on June 4, 1973, he saw a need for a small animal practice in Croton. The opening coincided with identification of heartworm disease in dogs in the Northeast and increasing prevalence of parvovirus infection in puppies. Back then, the nearest emergency practice was the Animal Medical Center in Manhattan and it was typical for veterinarians to handle their own emergencies 24/7.

Dr. Henes designed his facility with a shower so that he could be ready for morning appointments after a night spent at the hospital tending to a patient. His tenure at the hospital has seen many changes to the practice of veterinary medicine. Emergency and specialy practices now abound in our area providing care such as; CT/MRI, radiation therapy, brain surgery, cardiac catheterization, pace maker implants, root canal and cataract surgery. Overnight stays by our staff are no longer necessary. The renovation of Croton Animal Hospital in 2005 saw the removal of the shower and the addition of digital radiography, digital dental radiography and full telemedicine capabilities.

Dr. Henes will be leaving Croton Animal Hospital at the end of May allowing more time for outside interests. When not at Croton Animal Hospital Dr. Henes has been active in World Vets, traveling to developing countries several times a year to provide veterinary care to pets and stray animals. Many of you also know Dr. Henes as a talented photographer, combining his love of animals and photography and earning him local acclaim as a pet photographer. We welcome all our clients to join us in wishing Dr. Henes well with a call, email or post to our Facebook page and we will be sure he sees them.

I would like to take this opportunity to recognize all the great staff members that make our hospital run. Many of these people have been with the practice a long time and have reached important anniversaries. Diane Dileo- 20 years, Rochelle Boxer- 20 years, Ed Mowen- 19 years, Carol Popolow-Abraham- 15 years, Melissa Bazzano- 10 years, Charlene Congello- 10 years. Although both Kim Downey and Lynn Pettinati left the CAH team for other pursuits, both have been back with us for several years. Krista Congello and Lauren Planamenta deserve special mention as they both work toward attaining their own important anniversaries of 4 years and 1 year, respectively. Watch for more information about our staff and plans for our observance of our 40th anniversary later this summer.

Finally, thank you to all our clients and friends who have entrusted the care of their cherished pets to us over these many years.


Bruce Hoskins, D.V.M.

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