Croton Animal Hospital provides an abundance ofservices dedicated to the care and treatment of your best friends.
With summer comes a variety of harmful diseases and conditions that affect our pets as they take to the great outdoors.
The biggest summertime hazard for pets is when they’re left inside parked cars. Don’t ever leave them alone in a car! Even if it seems cool outside, and even with the windows partially open, the sun can raise the temperature inside your vehicle to 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. Your pet can quickly suffer heatstroke, which can be fatal. If you think there’s a problem, it’s imperative to get to the vet immediately for professional evaluation and treatment.
Another serious summer pet threat is heartworm disease. Spread by mosquitoes, heartworm infection can damage the liver, kidneys and lungs, and possibly lead to heart failure. Dogs must be tested to ensure they don’t have heartworm before putting them on preventive medication.
Fleas and ticks are especially menacing, and ticks can transmit serious diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
We have the latest preventive treatments for heartworm and fleas and ticks that are safe, effective and easy to use.
Croton Animal Hospital provides an abundance of
services dedicated to the care and treatment of your best friends.
With summer comes a variety of harmful diseases and conditions that affect
our pets as they take to the great outdoors.
The biggest summertime hazard for pets is when they’re left inside parked
cars. Don’t ever leave them alone in a car! Even if it seems cool outside, and
even with the windows partially open, the sun can raise the temperature inside
your vehicle to 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. Your pet can quickly suffer
heatstroke, which can be fatal. If you think there’s a problem, it’s imperative to get to the vet immediately for professional evaluation and treatment.
Another serious summer pet threat is heartworm disease. Spread by osquitoes,
heartworm infection can damage the liver, kidneys and lungs, and possibly lead to heart failure. Dogs must be tested to ensure they don’t have heartworm before putting them on preventive medication.
Fleas and ticks are especially menacing, and ticks can transmit serious diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
We have the latest preventive treatments for heartworm and fleas and ticks that are safe, effective and easy to use.