Disaster preparedness quiz
An emergency has occurred in your town, and you have 45 minutes to evacuate.
Are you prepared to take your pets with you?
Do you…
Have carriers for all your pets?
Have all pets with ID tags or microchip ID?
Know where you can go with your pets in the event of an emergency evacuation?
Know where an emergency animal shelter is?
Have your vet’s emergency phone number?
Have a contingency plan to evacuate your pets if it happens when you are at work?
Have a waterproof container with:
Pet First Aid Kit
Medications/Medical Records
Photos and descriptions of your pets
Enough water and nonperishable food to feed pets for at least three days?
Man, I didn’t realize how unprepared I am until reading your disaster preparedness quiz! We have a dog and we try our best to take care of her, but I’ve never thought of a plan for what we would do in an evacuation. First of all, I think we need to actually find a vet that we can go to regularly. That way we can have an emergency contact number for them. Thanks for offering some important things to consider and plan for!